Thursday, 30 May 2013

Cook Island Headbands

Our awesome TA Madeline helped us make these amazing traditional (minus the real flowers) Cook Island headbands. These are worn for special occasions.

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Acrostic Poems

Our awesome acrostic poems using adjectives to describe ourselves

Saturday, 11 May 2013


Tasty JAZZ apples were on the menu Friday afternoon. 
Amazing facial you can create when you 'CRUNCH' an apple! Thanks Tamati for providing us with a 'That's Funny' moment! 

Who Cracked It?

Who was the amazing Techno Tribe member who cracked making the cube on Friday during wet lunch time?

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Drumming Class

 Rhythm Interactive was amazing! 
We all enjoyed getting to play along with own drums. 

What was your favourite part of the interactive show? 

Monday, 6 May 2013

Maths First Day of Term 2

Techno Tribe were straight back into it. We have a new timetable and start the day with maths. The Multiplication Monkey's worked hard on making bundles of ten and having ones. 
We learnt if we put them together we would make 2 digit numbers like 46.